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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
lagsleg ferðaþjónusta
social tourism
social turisme
sociala turisme
[is] Félagsleg ferðaþjónusta gefur eins mörgum einstaklingum og mögulegt er tækifæri til að fara í ferðalög og getur einnig leitt til frekari dreifingar yfir árið, styrkt hugmyndina um evrópskan borgararétt og stuðlað að svæðaþróun, auk þess að auðvelda þróun tiltekinna staðbundinna hagkerfa. Til að meta þátttöku ýmissa félagslýðfræðilegra hópa í ferðaþjónustu og til að vakta áætlanir Evrópusambandsins á sviði félagslegrar ferðaþjónustu þarf framkvæmdastjórnin að fá reglubundin gögn um þátttöku í ferðaþjónustu og hátterni ferðamanna í þessum hópum.

[en] Social tourism allows as many people as possible to participate in tourism, and moreover, it can contribute to combating seasonality, strengthening the notion of European citizenship and promoting regional development, in addition to facilitating the development of specific local economies. To assess the participation of various socio-demographic groups in tourism and to monitor the Union programmes in the area of social tourism, the Commission needs regular data on participation in tourism and on the tourism behaviour of those groups.

[en] Social tourism is the extension of the benefits of tourism to disadvantaged people who otherwise could not afford to travel for their education of recreation. It includes youth hostels and low-priced holiday accommodation run by church and voluntary organisations, trade unions, or in Communist times publicly owned enterprises. In May 1959, at the second Congress of Social Tourism in Austria, Walter Hunziker proposed the following definition: Social tourism is a type of tourism practiced by low income groups, and which is rendered possible and facilitated by entirely separate and therefore easily recognizable services".

(Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism#Social_tourism )

[is] Reglugerð Evrópuþingsins og ráðsins (ESB) nr. 692/2011 frá 6. júlí 2011 um evrópskar hagskýrslur um ferðamál og um niðurfellingu á tilskipun ráðsins 95/57/EB

[en] Regulation (EU) No 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2011 concerning European statistics on tourism and repealing Council Directive 95/57/EC

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ferðaþjónusta - orðflokkur no. kyn kvk.

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